Monday, October 29, 2007

Family Portraits...

I have recently entered the world of yearly family portraits. I find that I'm planning this weeks in advance. I have to think out outfits (two for the kids) and backgrounds. I work out the time of day so hopefully they'll both be awake and in a decent mood--I'm skeptical if that is truly possible. I have to make sure that the date is early enough that the pictures will get back and ready to put into the Christmas cards. Then, of course, I'll be trying to make sure my sweet daughter doesn't bruise her face before the pictures and that the baby doesn't scratch his with those fingernails that grow overnight. After the sweat and tears it is a wonder we try to do it each year. I'm always excited to see our family on our parents' walls and am glad that I took the time, until it comes time to do it all again.

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