Monday, November 19, 2007

Super Mom Profile...

I was feeling like I just don't measure up and it occurred to me...just who is this Super Mom that everyone compares me against? I decided to write out her profile. Super Mom (SM) is beautiful and thin regardless of how many children she has, or when she had them. She is healthy and energetic--never tired or weepy. She is amorous and loving towards her husband at all times. Her children reach developmental milestones just a bit before anyone else's children. She knows instinctively which children are contagious and therefore, her children never get sick. Their not getting sick also has to do with her superior meteorlogical training--she knows how they should be dressed and how cold is too cold. She cooks perfectly balanced meals that her children love and lick the plate. She has the astute ability to get her kids to sleep through the night from their earliest infancy and she knows just how and when to potty train and detach all security items from her children (ie. paci, blanket, lovies). All of this she does with the greatest of ease, without becoming stressed and without her children complaining or having fits. She is the perfect disciplinarian (she rarely has to because her children are nearly perfect themselves) and her children behave perfectly wherever they are be it doctor's offices or family holidays. HA--there is more I'm sure but I must go maintain my clever role of NOT Super Mom but I'm Mom, none the less! Anyone who reads this can pray for me as I begin to stress over the coming holiday trips--especially with a sick little Georgette!

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