Thursday, November 15, 2007

What needs to get done will get done?!

I'm a perfectionist and a control freak. The saying, "What needs to get done will get done" has always annoyed me. The way I looked at it was if you don't plan it out and make a list it won't get done and how would you know for sure if it did? I'm a great commercial for DayTimers and often refer to mine as "my brain." I truly and honestly don't know how people without this sort of organizational tool actually show up to appts. and/or accomplish tasks in any semblance of time or fashion. When I decided to stay at home with my kiddos I thought I didn't need one anymore--after all what was there to plan? HA! I quickly learned that I needed it--not just for appts., as you'd expect, but for my sanity. However, back to this crazy saying. I have found that it is true and is yet another step in my relationship with God. He is teaching me that what He wants me to accomplish is most important--not my agenda. This concept (ultimately to glorify Him) helps me to stop and use those teachable moments with my babies and to enjoy the quiet and the chaotic. Even with my DayTimer and organization it is good to let go and relax from time to time. God is in control and "What needs to get done will get done."

1 comment:

Pastor D said...

Amen -

But it doesn't feel like it when it is still out there undone. It will get done, for sure. We can trust God to see to it. But it would be nice if He would clarify WHAT needs to be done and HOW it will get done.

Never-the-less > you are right! What needs to get done will get done.