I was having a think and thought I'd share...
God is so patient with me. I'm such a control freak--and to Someone who is in control I'm sure that is very annoying. Caleb's peanut allergy has caused me much "controlling" of late and I've been scouring and planning out everything. This is good in one respect--God did give him to me to care for and protect. However, God put a funny in my path today to remind me that ultimately HE is in control and I have to trust Him.
I was weeding (almost wrote "happily" but that doesn't quite fit) today, while my kiddos played in the sand box. Oh how they love the sand! I was yanking away--taking out my frustrations and thinking about Caleb's allergies and guess what I found?
A peanut shell---ahhhhhhh!
Right there in the flower bed. At first I was really upset.
My poor baby isn't even safe in his own yard.
Stupid squirrels!
This is yet another reason to not like squirrels.
Praise God, Caleb did not find this shell and suck on it or this blog might be filled with tales of the ER. Also, praise God for allowing me to finally see the humor in it. To sarcastically sass the squirrels and realize that He is in control and He will help and protect my baby boy. On the same note--I will be looking for more shells in the yard!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5