Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oreos & Tools!

Calubby doesn't really have his own naptime blanket.  He borrows his sister's Care Bear fleece.  This has bothered me off and today, when I saw fleece on sale...I had him pick two he liked.  He picked the one with OREOS (no shocker there)...and the one with TOOLS!  He was so excited he kept coming and rubbing his cheeks on the fabric while I made the blanket.
These things are a cinch...I was glad that I'd recently helped make one for my brother with his girlfriend Jess.  It sort of refreshed my memory...
He had to pretend to actually sleep in these pictures.  He's not though.  Thanks to the fireworks around here we are all sleep deprived.  Naptimes are a MUST.
Here's Emmy...she had to pose in her blanket too!
Maybe this will help him sleep tonight too.  What do you think my odds are of finally not hearing fireworks tonight??  I like fireworks...but not for WEEKS before and after!
I think he likes it!

1 comment:

Uncle Dave said...

Fleece Blankets are awesome. I love my fleece blanket too.