1. What's the best and worst thing thing
about growing older?
All the people who tell you what things
are going to go down hill...literally and otherwise. I mean, thanks for
the encouragement. I've really appreciated the one positive comment I
received last year...She said, "Looking back my 30s were the BEST...a
great time of maturing in the best possible ways...socially,
spiritually, emotionally. But...it just gets better from there!"
Autumn arrives this week in the Northern Hemisphere...what one
thing do you love most about the fall season?
Speaking of fall...pumpkin seems to be flavoring everything these
days-are you a fan? What's your favorite pumpkin flavored food or
I love Starbuck's Pumpkin Lattes! Or pumpkin
bread, muffins, pie....
4. Since we're on the
subject of fall...what's the worst fall you've
ever taken?
When I was in college I gave campus tours. One
day, all dressed up and wearing heals, I stepped on a patch of ice and
made one of those perfect cheerleader v-s in the air before landing HARD
on my bum. I thought I was paralyzed for a minute...but embarrassment
quickly took over and I got up and continued with the tour. I did break
my tailbone and carted a donut pillow with me to class for a long
5. If you could own a prop from any film
what would you choose?
Something from the Sound of
Music...hmmm....perhaps that fabulous puppet stage! But, where would I
put it!? Something smaller...hmmm...the guitar they used when they
6. What's the most interesting word you've
read or learned in the past
polemic is a contentious argument that is
intended to establish the truth of
a specific belief and the falsity of the contrary belief. Polemics are
mostly seen in arguments about very controversial topics.
word has shown up twice in the John Macarthur study I'm doing on
Colossians. He also uses the word duped...which I find hilarious. A
mixture of old and new words. Slang and serious. Certainly keeps you
on your toes.
7. When was the last time you locked
yourself out of your house, car, or
office? Was it a big deal?
When my sweet girl was a baby
(under a year) we were moving to Indy and I would come on weekends to be
with Loverbrains here in Indy. One day I was headed home to get our
house ready for a showing...and I put my purse with hotel keys and car
keys on the front seat...and pushed the door shut. As it shut I
realized I'd locked the baby in the car and not only was I locked out of
the car but my phone was also in my purse too...and I couldn't get into
the hotel to get help....neither did I want to leave my baby. But...I
ran and pounded on the door of the hotel...a cleaning lady let me in...I
called 911 and reported the situation...and told the dispatcher that
there was NO WAY I was staying on the phone with her...I was going back
out to stand by my car with my precious baby in it. The officer came in
under 5 minutes...and as he got out of his car he said, "Well, I'd ask
you how you're doing but I think I know the answer!" They quickly
opened my car...and after holding her and calming us both down I plunked
her back in the seat for the ride home. I called Darren at his new job
and said, "Well...the good news is that Indy police are FAST!"
Hahaha... Phew...
8. Insert your own random
thought here. Emma-bean now wants to be
a lunch lady. She says they are kind and make food for children.