Thursday, October 30, 2008

SuperWoman and the Bowling Pears...

Today was an extremely productive day. Funny, I didn't think I'd get so much done. I find that when I plan to do tons...I get very little done. However, when I don't plan...I often get tons done...and everyone is still happy! There's a lesson there...hmmm?

Today I went to Bible Study(started laundry before I left)
--continued doing laundry through lunch and nap time
--watched DVD I'd missed during Bible Study cuz I was in childcare
--talked to my Dad and Mom briefly
--Read Emma her 10 library books
--stripped and remade Caleb's bed after his party of milk dancing (long story and lesson in no milk in bed)
--Raked entire backyard
--made dinner
--set table
--cleaned up kitchen
--helped rake leaves onto tarp and to curb
--helped bathe babies
--watched "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" with popcorn and boobahs
--stuffed treat bags for tomorrow's beggars
--put away laundry upstairs
--and snuggled some with hubby on couch!

WOW....and I'm still blogging! God is good, all the time....All the time, God is good!

Emma loves to ride on the tarp...even though she gets completely covered with leaves.
Caleb preferred to play it safe and tottle along behind!

I got a bunch of pears from my friend Amy! Her Mom's tree was loaded and they decided to shake them down before the big frosts this week. Just the thought of the two of them shaking the tree makes me snicker to myself. AND her husband climbing up into the tree and shaking it some more...hahahaha!
Anyhew, there are ALOT of them...and they are hard as rocks and mostly green. The yellower ones are ripening in bags. The few ripe ones were yummo so stay tuned for recipes.
I know, I know...the bowling...well, I had to do something to keep them occupied during dinner prep. Emma thought she wanted to eat one...then she decided they were hard and gave a few to Caleb. They laughed hysterically while bowling them along the floors! Hey, at dinner long as no one is crying...I don't care what they bowl with...well, I think!


Anonymous said...

Lots of leaves on that tarp!! Too bad there's so many more still on the trees. We'll have to start raking too and that's a new thing for us! :-( Love ya.

Cathy said...

Amen, sista!!! Whatever works at dinner blood, no tears, no worries! Love the pic of Darren and the kids sitting in the leaves!
Miss you!!!!