Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ankle Ouchy...

Well it's a good thing my middle name isn't Grace. On the way out of the house yesterday I sprained my ankle. As usual I was trying to make only one trip. I had my purse, two diaper bags and my two year old in one arm and the very heavy Booba in his seat in the other. I stepped off the porch stoop into the flower bed and started to wobble. Afraid that I might drop the baby, I folded my ankle under me and laid down in the flower bed. Very graceful indeed! I laid there pray/crying "Oh God, Oh God, please don't let it be broken!" My two year old started to cry--what was wrong with Mommy. I pulled it together and hobbled back inside. It swelled a bit and hurt a lot but PTL today it is much better. Phew! To be truly honest about the selfishness of my heart, I was already thinking about myself and what I'd miss if I ended up on crutches. My Dad had awesomely offered to babysit for us so we could go on a date for my b-day Monday and there I lay in my flowerbed thinking about not being able to go! It is weird to realize your own selfish heart. Of course, I also thought of my babies and got myself up and inside too! I guess I just want to point that out to myself as something to work on in the future. When in pain, don't think about yourself.

1 comment:

Pastor D said...

I don't know about that. When in pain you need to evaluate the situation. Something is wrong, otherwise there wouldn't be any pain, would there? I am prejudiced, but I think you did just fine... you did what needed to be done in spite of your pain. You took care of the two year old and the "Booba" and got back inside. Later on you had a moment of self-pity. Maybe you should say, "When in pain be careful not to give in to self pity." Or, "count it all joy when you fall into various trials..."