Friday, June 13, 2008

Fabulous Friday...

It is raining "cats and dogs" outside but I'm determined that it will be a Fabulous Friday! We did get our errands done this morning before too much rain. AND I set up Emma's iron bed stand, by myself, with two toddlers roaming about. Go me--superwoman! AND Both kids are napping at the same time so I can blog with my newly reconnected modem! SO, Happy Friday ya'll and hope yours is just fabulous!
I took pics of Emmy and Lubby on the swings yesterday. The sun was bright so I couldn't get good smiles but I think they're still cuter than bugs! Check out the little man's chubby toes--hehehe! I just love chubby toes!

1 comment:

Infarrantly Creative said...

I am in love with that swing. Thaat is so cute.