Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday...

I am so not a tackle it Tuesday kind of girl. Sewing is not my forte...shall we say. Hahaha...I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! We are starting to use the envelope system...and Beckie at Infarrantly Creative, kindly shared her envelope wallet design. So, I had some fat quarters left over...and TADA!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reading with DadE

Caleb loves to read...even more than Emma. Every morning, afternoon, and night he hauls out library books that are bigger than him...and toddles over...demanding...up, up! We finally did another share the fun with ya'll!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday...

Today, I'm thankful for...
...a warm home!'s cold outside!
...antibiotics that work to make my babies healthy!
...lotion that smells good.
...wonderful fellowship with the girls at WITW.
...God's love for me.

Emma and Caleb are thankful for their fun socks from Nana and PopPop!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm Busy, Lord!

I'm busy, Lord. Surely You can see
The thousand things that wait for me!
The dishes still lie in the sink-
I cannot stop to pray and think.

Lord, I know You understand.
For You gave these children to my hand;
And now they cry and need me so,
Lord, You understand. I'd better go.

Now I've got them all to sleep,
I'd better dust and mop and sweep.
I must thaw out the meat for stew,
And the ironing is long overdue!

And kindly my Lord answered me,
"Why do you from my presence flee?
I have so much for you today.
My child, I want to hear you pray.
"I love you, child; I want you here
To rest and listen- to shed a tear.

What if Paul had stopped to say,
'Lord, I'm too busy to write letters today!'?
"No, my child, I'm what you need,
Through household duties you can speed,
Yet when you're through, there's emptiness
If this quiet time you miss.

"Oh, thank You, Lord, for showing me
How much I need to wait on Thee.
For what's an undone dish or two
Compared with sharing time with You?!

-Nancy Stitzel

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday MomE Moment...

I'm over and over amazed at what my children pick up on. Generally, I'm more concerned with thoughts of the bad things they pick up. However, I have a good story today.

It has gotten VERY cold here this past week. We are all about hats and coats...bundle, bundle...waddle waddle around here! This, of course, makes buckling car seats about ten times harder than usual. A lot more bulk to stuff in there!!

After our Monday grocery trip this morning...I was feeling tired, and knew I still needed to unpack the entire van into the house...along with both boobahs.

So, my Monday Memory came to me...God's so neat that way...and I thought about making my love sincere. So, I paused... and nuzzled my Emmy as I took her from her car seat. She grinned. I said, "This is an Eskimo kiss. (rub rub) I love you, Emmyboo." She smiled.

And then...We were on our way.

Huff puff...about 40 minutes later....we were snuggling in the living room while our nuggets baked for lunch. Cawubby, toddled over to me, grabbed my cheeks in his hands, and very deliberately rubbed his broken nose gently against mine. Awww, he grinned and I squeezed him. I hadn't even thought he saw me do that with her. She, of course, saw what we were doing and came screeching across the room, "Me too, me too...kisses!"

Just a moment taken to make my love sincere. What a good MomE moment!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Sweetness...

We've been having a rough go of it around here. Daddy's been sick, Mommy's been sick, Caleb fell and broke his nose, split his lip and bumped his head. He also has bronchitis and a double ear infection. Emma has been whiny...but herself...PTL! Anyhew, we've been missing our regular commitments due to these unforeseen issues. We deliberately planned nothing so we could do DIY projects this weekend. I am stubborn...and I did get the bathroom project done! It is just interesting how we've been blessed through this time of illness.

Emma and Daddy made block towers and Caleb knocked them down. Sweet squealing goodness!

Emma and Mommy played dollies. Her baby "Amy-Emma" (named for our babysitter and herself) was fed and burped. Such sweetness!

We listened to the easy listening station and I sang all the words to Anne Murray's "Love Song" cuz I'm a dork like that! Such sweet memories!

Hope ya'll are experiencing some good Saturday Sweetness!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Forts and Weaponry...with a little dancin'

After a morning of grocery shopping in the cold November air...we decided to build a snuggle fort. MomE couldn't get the walls to stay up so she propped them with some sterilites...yeah!

Emma read her slider books to her brudder. She enjoyed reading to long as he didn't touch her books! HA! I got into the fort and read with them...sorry, DadE wasn't home to take pictures of all of us snuggled in there!
Later, they danced with Elmo. Emma has a real grip on Caleb's he's dancin' with her weather he wants to or not! Poor kid...thankfully, he's pretty obliging!
Weaponry...yeah...well....Emma found her plastic fisher price knives...they were under the couch cushions we took off to make the fort. It just goes to show that kids will make weapons...even if you don't buy them toy guns, etc. Ha ha ha. She was happy that her pants have pockets today...cuz she kept them in there safely away from Kay-wub!
Notice the poor guy's nose...he smacked his head into the floor last night...playing chase with sister...and split his lip, bruised his nose black on one side, and re bonked his head in the center where he's hit it a cagillion times before. How, how, how do they hit on the very same spot repeatedly??

Monday, November 3, 2008

Marriage Monday...

"The Grace of Christian Marriage"

As I was thinking through this topic, I asked my husband to define grace for me. He said, "it's undeserved favor." I like that definition. I've also heard it referred to as unmerited favor...God's sufficiency...God's fullness. As Christians we realize that God's grace is indeed undeserved. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound...that saved a wretch like me." But not only are we saved by the grace of God--we also serve the Lord and live the Christian life by the grace of God. Because we realize how important God's grace is to us...and hopefully being humbled by this thought...we bring that grace into our marriages.

1 Pet. 4:8, "Love deeply because love covers a multitude of sins...vs. 10 administering God's grace in its various forms." I was drawn into this passage and back tracked to chapter three. There it talks about a wife's conduct being

...pure and reverent



...humble to live in harmony

...returning insult with blessing!

Wow...that's pretty challenging stuff. So, how do those things play out in my Christian marriage?

Well, I've got a lot to work on but by God's grace...

I'm still working at it

...for His Glory!