Friday, February 19, 2010

Cyan Chlorine Blue Playdoh...

I made up a new batch of playdoh. I used some new pigment colors in neons. The playdoh is BRIGHT ya'll...even the pictures do not do it justice. I love love LOVE my playdoh recipe...taught to me during my student teaching by one of my favoritest teachers.
I have this cracked playdoh pusher...and Lubby just adores it. Thankfully...he gets it to himself cuz Emmer's fascinated with making nests and eggs lately. As I mentioned, the playdoh pusher is cracked and not emitting noodles very any of ya'll Grandma's out there...if you see something like this at a garage sale or thrifting...pick it up for us!!!
I'm so impressed with her dexterity lately. Look at her slender little fingers!!
After I put the camera away she really went to down making eggs. She started using the bowl of a spoon to form them perfectly...and she said she had some, "CRAZY BLUE CHICKENS!" Oh, I love that girl!!

1 comment:

MamaDuck76 said...

Okay, I promise not to stalk you, but after finding the H is for Hippo, I wanted to take a peek at a few of your other posts.

Now I'm curious - what is this amazing playdough recipe? I like ours, but I don't love it. If you're willing to share, I'd love to know!