Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bloggy Debut.....*drum roll* JESS!

Well, my baby brother is finally old enough to have a girlfriend....*smile*! I just met her yesterday and she's lovely! I teased her that she totally met up to the hype!! I also told her that she'd be making her bloggy debut today! Hey, "to know me is to be blogged about", or something like that!
Her siblings calls her Jessy....I was introduced to her as Jessica...but she's a JESS to me. She gave Emma a beautiful doll named Rose. She helped Emma braid her hair. *smile*
She's a Pre-K major...and has very wisely picked her future profession. My children love her...almost as much as UNCLE DAVE! My son talked to DadE on the phone yesterday...and told him that "Unca Jess is cool!"
Ya gotta love a good I SPY book!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Awww...sweet post..."Unca" Jess is too cute....