Monday, March 14, 2011

Sickness Spreads...

Well, Lubby continues to bark with his pneumonia.  He seems to have a bit more energy today. 

Emmer-bean has pink eye...and is loving her eye drops...NOT! 

MomE has a cold that DadE shared with her.  Thanks a whole heaping lot.  I may have been slightly obstinate about my opinion that he had allergies and not a cold.  When I caught his cold, he was happy to point out that...He was right!  Thanks.

This is all happening on a VERY busy week for me.  God has cleared two days off that busy week so far.  I'm trying to keep a good attitude about it all.  He knows what he has planned for me to do...

I'm going whole hog for the bad-mom award today though...It's movie right after the other...MomE is beat...pass the Kleenex and the Vick, please!  *sniffity-snork


Anonymous said...

Better to watch movies all day then to wear yourself out and throw temper tantrums all day at the kids when you don't get your way. Plus it's easier to get the kids to rest and recuppeate if they are being entertained. Not a bad mom but a resourceful mom.- g

I'm Erin. said...

Colds, colds everywhere! Hope you all recover quickly!

Does your little guy get wheezy too? If so, then we basically have identical children ;)