Monday, December 5, 2011

I heart flow charts!!

So, I was struggling very frustrated to the point of losing my hair and sanctification at bedtime with Caleb!  He was treating it like a game...So, I finally decided to pray about it.  Seemed stupid but...
That morning I was praying about it...the old flow chart came to my mind...It was Providential ya'll!  Really!
So, now he checks off all the things he needs to do before bedtime.  He's so proud.  If he can check his things off and go to bed and NOT call for MomE when the door is shut...He get a sticker on his chart in the morning. 

Four (we started with his favorite number) stickers equals a sucker of his choice!  He even requested using this system for naptime.  What a GREAT idea!  I love those GOD answers to my problems!
He got his sucker apple!  He is now starting his new bedtime success!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Love it - so perfect how God gives us exactly what we need. Something I'll need to keep in mind for my crew. :)