Monday, August 13, 2012

Mish Mash Vacation Pictures!

Sorry, I sort of ran out of steam regarding the vacation picture posting. It's a lot of work coming home after many little stuffs to do...and big stuffs. are the rest of the pictures (well, most of them)...
Papa and Loverbrains went fishing...

...and we all went for boat rides.  I stick to the paddle boat personally...rowing is hard work!
We all went to the county fair...which I LOVE!  My city kids don't get to see farm animals much...
....Emma was licked by a Jersey heifer...I think she thought her hair was yummy hay!  Emma shrieked.  It was a surprise!  HAHA!
The little piglets are always a treat!
This goat is super amazing...FOUR horns!
One young girl was trimming her sheep for showing and let us pet her!
A nice young man from Papa and Nana's church was there...and he let us pet a chicken!  They are VERY warm and soft!
The boys enjoyed the tractor pull...of course!
SO, so many gorgeous quilts!  I took a lot more pictures than this...but...I'll spare you!
We swam almost the water was 89 degrees!  Woot woot!
We walked up the mountain almost every morning...which is my favorite!!
Nana's kindergarten teacher cohort and lifetime friend came over to enjoy my kiddos and do puzzles...per tradition!
Lubby bought a bow and arrow with his birthday money.  It was well worth every dime...Hehehe...He's a pretty good shot!
We even went for a tractor ride...very fun...and bumpy!
It was wonderful...but now we are home...and Emmer is turning 7 and school is, actually!  I will share pictures soon!!!

1 comment:

Pastor D said...

So Emma had a REAL cowlick for once! Ha, ha!