Saturday, March 22, 2008

Learning from trials...

After just going through a rather harrowing experience with the intestinal/stomach flu in our family, I decided to study and fortify for next time...

God's promises when I'm sick...
Ps. 23:4-No matter what He's with me and comforts me.
Is. 57:18- Even though He sees us truly, He'll heal and comfort.
Mt. 8:16-17- Jesus took our illness on himself.
Jn. 16:33- Peace...He has overcome the world.
Rom. 8:37-39-NOTHING can seperate us from the love of God. He has overwhelmingly conquered!
James 5:14-15- Be sure to confess sin, be faithful in prayer. Important healers.

I was feeling discouraged that I hadn't learned anything or gained any virtues. I mean, obviously this was a trial--to be sick, and have two sick kiddos to care for alone while Darren was in England. Yikes! After thinking about it maybe it helped me realize His grace is sufficient. My Dad pointed out that I kept it together and did what needed to be done and that itself was important. Some good friends helped carry me through with deliveries of Pedialite and Bread. Maybe I just learned to humble myself and ask for help. Anyone who knows me understands what a "control freak" I can be and it is an area that I agree needs "sanded down." My tendancy with things like this is first--"Ach God--I didn't ask to be Job-ina--I don't want any new virtues." Thankfully, God doesn't just give us trials when we ask for them. In my case, I'd never learn anything important. I joke about "Be careful what you ask for (ie.patience) because you just might get it." Truthfully, I shouldn't be afraid to ask for changes that I know will be established through pain. God will sustain me through those times--and restore me. God knows I need to be more patient--he gave me two beautiful children. He knows I need to ease up and stop trying to control the world so he gave me a laid back husband and oodles of other things. Sheesh, I could write a book on that one. Anyhew, these are just my recently revised thoughts on trial.

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