Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Cookies, colds, and SNOW...

On Christmas Eve we made sugar cookies as a family. Well, MomE made the cookies while DadE played with little boobahs...and then we all made frosting and frosted LOTS of cookies!!!
She was so pleased to truly be an independent froster this year!

We travelled to visit Grandparents W. and MomE came down with a horrid little cold...ugh! We were blessed with a nice visit and good travelling on the roads...around snow...or in between storms...HA!
For our brown/gray corner of Indiana...this is ALOT of we had to put on our new snow pants and have a playtime! Emmer made some gorgeous snow angels...that I caught on video...but blogger isn't being friendly I'll have to try again later when I have more time to download.
Thanks to all who wished us a Merry Christmas...and prayed for our safety! Hope your Christmas was blessed as well! Head over to my other blog...where I'm BLOGGING hear the story of our new family additions.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

You are such a good Mommy! I look at the pictures of you doing fun things with your kids and go girl! Cute pics by the way! Kiss those sweet babies for me!