Friday, January 21, 2011

Playdates, Prayer & Your Pastor's Wife...

Yesterday, amid yet another noreaster Pastor's wife and her littlest came over to "play."  We both grew up in snowy climates and are determined to not let a little snow bother us!

The Sweet Boobahs played (aka...took out EVERY toy they own)...

....and we planned our first March Women's Day...
...and as I made lattes and chatted with her...I was reminded that I need to be praying for her...ALOT more than I do...I just loved the guide at C h r y s a l i s...that e-Mom included in her October post.  She reminded us all during that October PASTOR's month...that he has a wife who is just as vitally needing prayer!!


Anonymous said...

That would be nice. I tend to feel like I'm being measured, found lacking and then gossiped about rather than prayed for most of the time. Makes for a very lonely/quiet pastors wife. -g

Susannah said...

OH, how sad--your anonymous commenter above. Ouch! I wish I could give her a cyber hug.

Thanks for the linky love, Bobbi.

Your kids look like they're have a blast of a play date. Look at those boots!

Bobbi said...

G---I'm sorry it feels that way...but I'm not at all shocked. My Mom often felt (and still sometimes feels) that way. It comes with the territory, I think...which is exactly why I ushered the challenge in my post. If ladies would commit to praying for their pastor's wives then their hearts would be changed.