Monday, February 23, 2009

PeeWee to Puny...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm coming or going. All MomE's like to think they can tell when their kids are sick...but as far as this MomE goes...not this week! Next week's not looking good either.

Emma started the week with a HIGH fever. Sort of scary really! It went away (with no other symptoms) and I decided she's fine...and she's so excited...we'll dress up and go to PeeWee Club! Isn't she cute. Yes, Caleb's nose was runny...and he was whiny but well, he's teething and allergic boy! Off we went!

Thursday things seemed okay and I thought "great, that wasn't so bad."

Friday I was just soooo excited about my MTO meeting...I might not have been soooo interested in the signs that were around me. The whining and fussing I just chalked up to being hoisted out the door in the early cold morning.

I was wrong...

So wrong...

By the time we got home...fevers were raging and coughs were barking!!!

So, picture several long nights of barking, barfing babes...and a harried trip to the pediatrician this morning!!! We have a VIRUS...and bronchitis, acute!

Oh, and in case I failed to mention it...Darren's virus revisited early in the week...and then I got the sinus infection to explode all heads this weekend!

Pray!!!! Winter needs to end...yes, it's winter's fault!!! Load up on the Vitamin C people it's icky out there! And don't ask me if your kids are sick...I can't even tell when mine are sick!

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