Friday, June 26, 2009

Freakout Friday! Brownies, Ringpops, and wadding pools!

Well, I'm at that point in the packing where I can't do anything else until my sweet Loverbrains comes home from I thought I'd do a final blog before vacation. Today was the last day of VBS...and yes, I'm tired but if I lie down now I'll just have to get back up...cuz the Sweet Boobahs will be up soon!

Anyhew, at VBS they told Emma that she had brownies in her she lugged it out to the van...We sang songs all the way home. We got home and I asked what she wanted for lunch...she hugged the bag and said, "I wants my brownies!" Ohhh...

...oops....yup...they are like these but in a bag!
Ha ha ha! She was one majorly annoyed three year old! She did get a ring pop though....ooooooo...and so that helped! She gets it as soon as she gets up from her nap! It'll be a sticky mess but....they get baths tonight anyhew!
They love the wading pool! I'm doesn't take up my whole yard...I use the leftover icky water to water my win win!

Isn't she the fairest little princess? She loves this suit with the two little skirts. They float in the water!! Oooooo!

Lubby loves not having a diaper on... We'll be starting potty training when we get home from vacation I think. He is very interested... He fills these jugs with water and carts them all about the yard watering plants. Such a helpful little dude!
I've got a lot of relaxing planned in the next few weeks...phew...and I'm excited! Don't miss me too much sweet pigeons! I'll be back soon...

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