Friday, January 8, 2010

Finally Friday...with some snow and birdseed...

Thankfully, I don't feel like this every week...but today...I'm glad it's finally Friday! My children are like me...they love the look at from inside! There was great anticipation as it fluttered down from the sky yesterday. All morning little voices chirped about going outside to play in the snow with their snow make snow angels, snowmen, snowballs...
In reality...we were outside a total of 5-10 minutes. No. joke. And, for the record, it took A LOT less time to remove the snowsuits...then it took to put it all on in the first place. Ugh...*sigh*...
We did make some nifty bird feeders...after a few flopped attempts. As you can see...the cardinals in particular really love them!
Here's a close up! Nothing like a seeded pinecone to make a few birds happy!

These are the flops...They are called Birdseed Bisquits. I was drawn to the recipe because it doesn't require peanut butter. As many of you have probably figured out by Sweet Boy is deathly allergic to peanuts. So, I tried this recipe HERE! I'm not sure what I did wrong...but it ended up looking like...
...a pile of bird seed! Bummer...everything else I've ever tried from Family Fun has turned out perfectly. I'm thinking my birdseed is too coarse.
Okay, DON'T PANIC...I didn't lose my mind and break out peanut butter. This is soy butter...mixed with cornmeal (to prevent the poor birds from choking)...and a teeny bit of oil. I nuked and added oil until I achieved the proper viscosity. you like my use of the word VISCOSITY...yeah, that's a Loverbrain word...after six years of marriage he's finally wearing off on me! Anyhew...I digress...
You coat the pinecones (from our yard) in the mixture...VERY MESSY...ALERT!!
Sweet girl packed the seeds all around it...very compact. Then we put them outside to get hardened...and attached them to the trees with yarn. Fun birdwatching! AND...happy FRIDAY!

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Pastor D said...
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