Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Home-boy!

Mr. Lubby was a bit disappointed that I didn't have much fun planned for the 2nd day of the school year.  After we put Emmer-bean on the bus I told him I needed to sort the laundry...and he was bummed that today contained no trips to the zoo, library or museum.  SO....
....I told him to go pick 4 trucks.  (Since 4 is his current favorite number.)  THEN...I broke out the dried beans and Scrabble tiles.
He played happily until it was time to go pick up his sister from school.
This is a new kind of playing for my home-boy...he's had a constant companion up until now...and it's neat to hear him play alone...chattering away to himself.
AND...while I did the laundry...MomE worked on some fabric/quilt sandwiching....I love me some lavender spray Starch!  How could I not know about it?...It's SO wonderful!

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Hello Bobbi! Catching up with you and your kids. First day of school for Emma eh? WOW! Your son seems content to have Mom's full attention now. What fun!

I loved scrolling down to see what good things have been going on in your house this summer. You're so crafty... in every way! *wink*
