We had a Merry Thankmas with my parents this year. That's Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrated together, for all those unfamiliar with the term. Here the kids are opening their bike helmets. They weren't really sure what they were! Caleb still isn't sure what it is...and how excited to be. He really liked his light up car from Aunt Carol...and wanted to play with it! He isn't into peddling...but he steers pretty well. It was cold outside....and I don't mean maybe...I mean VERY! Emmer-girl did fabulously. She peddles well...and is figuring out the brakes. She and Grandpa look so cute together! After we came inside she kept looking out the window and saying, "Those bikes are AWESOME!" Sorry, but I totally slacked on the picture taking this holiday. I was having a good time getting together with family friends, eating (ooooo, yummy), and junking with my Mom. It was a nice visit. One of the neatest things...Emma figured out what Grandpa does for a living. HA! She came trotting into church and said, "Grandpa, you're the pastor!" Hehehe!
For my first helping of Friday frugality's...I cannot tell a lie...this idea is not my own...I love oneprettything...and her endless lists of awesome ideas. She featured Michelle over where...Her Cup Overfloweth...with this ingenious little toilet paper tube snowflake! The kids and I did it as a craft.
I had visions of making lots of these...but glitter...welllll...it's really messy! And spray paint...er, not so much. We made three! For my second helping of Friday frugality's...I have a bag of tired tissue paper. I'm a bit embarrassed to use it in wrappings...and it's funky colors like peach and mint green, etc. Generally, I use it for crafts. They made it into special wrapping paper for their church teachers and family this year. I love stencils!! Check out his round little cheek. Ummm...yummy!
I've reminded people where I'm Blogging Along about advent. It's such a neat opportunity to prepare your kids for the true meaning of Christmas...and hopefully get away from the material focus bombarding in the world around them.
Some ideas...
A planned reading schedule...cuz, let's face it...reading it just on Christmas day is not going to get the message across. Even just lighting candles on the Sunday nights won't work either.
First Week: A Savior King Is. 7:14; 9:6-7; Jer. 23:5; Micah 5:2-5a The Angel Visits Mary Luke 1:26-38 The Angel Visits Joseph Matt. 1:18-25 Sing: Joy to the World, O Come, All Ye Faithful Craft Idea: Coffee Filter Angels
Second Week: The Trip to Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7 The Christ Child is Born Luke 2:6-7 Sing: Away in the Manger, Child in a Manger Craft Idea: Envelope Manger
Third Week: The Shepherds Visit Luke 2:15-18 The Wise Men Visit Matt. 2:1-8 Sing: Angels We Have Heard on High, Go, Tell It on the Mountain Craft Idea: Cotton Ball Sheep and Shepherds
Fourth Week: The Wise Men Worship Matt. 2:9-12 The Trip to Egypt Matt. 2:13-15 Sing: Silent Night, Holy Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem Craft Idea: Glitter Star and Cardboard Camel
I know the craft ideas are vague. I promise to post pictures of my ideas as they come into fruition, I hope. I found a neat post about gifts for advent...but the blogger doesn't like it...so I'll need to retype and fix it up for later.
My adorable son has two hammers. They are currently hidden...up on the counter...between the mixer and tangerines...cuz...welll...he likes to use his hammers inappropriately!
I don't recall teaching him to hammer and bang PULVERIZE with these tools. As far as I know, he's never seen much hammering. The occasional picture hung...maybe.
He's "king of the smashing." He takes his favorite dried sticky tacky gummy blueberries...and smashes them into the carpet. They were removed from his possessions as a result of his making rice dust out of his rice chex cereal.
So, it makes me think. I never have to teach my children how to do wrong...how to sin. Don't know about you...but no child I've ever met (or adult for that matter) naturally does good and avoids wrong. I've never taught my children to lie either...yet they do. Hmmm?
It's not because God created human sinners. Humans were created good and called to communion with God but refused God's call. (Gen.3)
"Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." Ps. 51:5
The currently hidden hammers make me think...and realize what an important job I have in teaching my children about their sinful state...and their need of a Savior.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
We rarely buy any toys for our kids. In fact, last year my sweet Loverbrains actually considered getting a bunch of empty boxes for Christmas gifts! We didn't...but it's still in the running for this year. I let them play with diaper boxes for a few weeks..or until I can't stand looking at them anymore. They become tables, houses, boats, bathtubs, cars and trucks...to name just a few possibilities. When it seems like all fun is gone from the boxes...break out the markers, crayons and paint. Voila...even more cheap fun! I love to hear their little imaginations at work!
I myself have very fond memories of playing in boxes. I know there is a picture of me somewhere playing in the box my Christmas Kitchen Set came in...with my beloved dog, Spots. Good times!!
The letter of the week is G...g...G!!! Do you like our green goats?? Naaaa?? We read the "Three Billy Goat's Gruff" too! WHO'S THAT WALKING OVER MY BRIDGE? ROAR!!! She wanted you to see her green snowman. See...it has green eyes!!
It's a time full of modeling reading...the treatment of books, the proper way to hold a book, page and print orientation, voice/tone, word recognition...
I love hearing her sweet little voice telling her version of a well known story to her beloved doll.
We had family pictures taken at Portrait Innovations. I'm totally going to give them a plug...not only for their AWESOME service and the great experience....BUT ALSO... ...the price, getting all our prints on CD.....AND (yes, there's more).... ...getting all our prints the same day! How cool...and I must say...a d o r a b l e. There are soooo many great pictures....I'll share more soon! Oh, and all Grandparents, Nana/Papa, and Grams...your pictures are on their way. Merry Christmas!
To begin this activity...always make sure you take pictures of their dimpled knuckles...awww! Save old cracker and cereal cardboard boxes...they break down to lay flat...it doesn't take up a lot of space...and they are FREE posterboard! I got this idea from my new favoritest blog......She calls this a holiday travel craft. It is good prep for the upcoming holiday trips to the Grandma's. It's also just fun...to see what they choose to go into their suitcases!
We chopped a bunch of things out of magazines the other day...so we got out of clippings tub...and they sorted through their recycled magazine pictures. Anyone else hearing...CHEAP CHEAP...!? Notice, my sweet daughter is bringing Dora, flowers, money...and soup and a jar of bugs! I love this little face. She said she was being "snooty"...hehehe! She then pranced into the living room with her suitcase...saying, "Lateedah..."We chose the luggage tags on the outside by places she suggested...Grandma's house, Australia (we pray for missionaries there), China (Daddy goes there for work trips), Ireland (dancers on Sesame Street), New York (where Nana and Papa live), and Hawaii (okay, MomE suggested that one). Little Lubby wants you to see...there are frogs, a dump truck (we do produce garbage in our van of an astounding amount), Diego, trains, etc. He really liked the money coins too. He's into money...too bad I can't yet trust him to keep it out of his mouth. Oh, cursed molars...when will you come in already?! He is now attempting to carry his toy trucks in the suitcase. He cries when they fall out. Maybe I'll tape the sides!?
The letter of the week is F...for Flamingo. Just so you know...I looked it up and flamingo plural is either/or flamingoes or flamingos. However, my spell check on blogger doesn't like the "es" version. Huh! The Curious Georgette was so glad they were pink...woohoo...PINK!! Here is our laundry day fort. When I take the cover off to wash it...they take the cushions off and make a fort. This is actually a pirate ship...arrr! They had paper towel roll spy glasses...arrr! Yo-ho-ho! Very happy little pirates...don'tcha think?They were below deck having tea! Hehehe! Shiver me timbers...and all that...Arrrr! *Squawk*...do you hear the parrot?
Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage Where the grapes of wrath are stor'd; He hath loos'd the fateful lightning Of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watchfires Of a hundred circling camps, They have builded Him an altar In the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence By the dim and flaring lamps: His day is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel Writ in burnished rows of steel: "As ye deal with My condemners, So with you My grace shall deal:" Let the Hero born of woman Crush the serpent with His heel, Since God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet That shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men Before His judgment seat. Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! Be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom That transfigures you and me; As He died to make men holy Let us die to make men free, While God is marching on. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
I took him to get a shot to help protect him from respiratory issues...and he's having a minor reaction to it...a HIGH fever. Pray for my tyke today...poor, sweet lambie!
Why do these things happen on Fridays? You don't know if you should take them into the Dr...cuz there's a weekend coming up. You don't want to over react. Ugh!
Shhhh....Timing...it's the Lord's! He is the Great Physician...did a lot of praying last night!
"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. " James 5:15
The letter of the week is E...for Elephant. It was between elephant and emu...and well, elephant won out! HA haha! Emmy had her hands traced with marker...and very smartly colored on both sides of the paper. Yes, MomE's are thrilled with such little genius moments! Do you like Lubby's elephant...and his picture of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Do you see the fire on the upper right? How neat is that!? They both really like that story. Loverbrains recently pointed out that my most recent playdoh mixture doesn't remind him of black raspberry ice cream...but of gory pink organs. Lovely...now that's all I can think of as they squish it about...ewww! Emmy made this at church...and I just love it. Who knew that praying beans could be so cute?!
I am not the poetry writer in our marriage. This might surprise many who know us...because I'm such a chatterbox and he's so reserved. He writes amazing poetry...I have sheets and sheets!! So, I tottered over to the Love Poetry Generator...and created this hilarious masterpiece below...HAHAHA...*tears running from corners of eyes*...laughter is good for marriage too, right?
My Love
Your skin glows like the Apple, blossoms Handsome as the Rose in the purest hope of spring. My heart follows your Trumpet voice and leaps like a Lion at the whisper of your name. The evening floats in on a great Eagle wing. I am comforted by your Shirt that I carry into the twilight of Homebeams and hold next to my Chest. I am filled with hope that I may dry your tears of Water. As my Hands falls from my Jacket, it reminds me of your Work. In the quiet, I listen for the last Bang of the day. My heated Buns leaps to my Pants. I wait in the moonlight for your secret Bicycle so that we may Run as one, Buns to Buns, in search of the magnificient Blue and mystical School of love. The last line is my favorite!
Head over to my other blog...BLOGGING ALONG to see my little trick or treaters.