Wednesday, October 14, 2009

He cares...about the BIG things and the little things.

"I lift my eyes to the hills~where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2
I used this verse for Word-filled Wednesday where I'm Blogging Along...and I was meditating on it...that's the whole idea, right?

I got to thinking that generally I think of this verse in connection with BIG life issues. Truthfully, I think of it in connection to the Sound of Music where the Rev. Mother sings her grandiose song to Maria who is about to face difficult life challenges...eventually going over the "hills" to safety from the Nazis. Totally, a BIG life issue.

My sweet Emma hasn't changed a whole lot from the picture above...almost two years ago. Like all of us, she really really wants her own way...and she'll cry and have a fit to manipulate the situation. Do I "lift my eyes to the hills" out my city kitchen window and seek help from the LORD? It might seem to be a little thing but hey, He's The Maker of Heaven and Earth...He can totally help me deal with my anger and frustration so I'll be the best MomE to her I can be...for His glory.

When my sweet Lubby starts rubbing his eyes and getting all congested and I "lift my eyes to the hills" and ask the Lord to comfort my heart and direct my steps to be the best nurse/mome to my sick little guy? In addition to being the Maker of Heaven and Earth...He is the Great Physician too! When I stop to bring things before Him...I can remember all the things He IS to those who love Him!

It would appear that my husband's job isn't going to ease off anytime soon. When I am wishing he hadn't brought work home or I'm upset that he's I "lift my eyes to the hills" and seek help from the LORD? He can ease my anxiety and give me a loving heart and attitude. He can help me be a Proverbs 31 kind of wife.

I'm going to work on remembering that The Maker of Heaven and Earth...cares not just about the BIG things in my life...but also about the every day little things too.


Susannah said...

Amen. You're a godly wife and Mom. More young women should have your attitude... which is NOT easy.

I hope you have some supporters nearby "with skin on" too. Women friends that can cheer you up when the going gets lonely and tough.

Did you know this verse was sung by the Diaspora Jews on their pilgrimmages to Jerusalem for the three annual Feasts. Life is a journey (or pilgrimmage) and we need His help every step of the way, don't we? ((Hugs))

Carmel said...

Well, I'm a little behind (sorry, we were on our first family vacation!). But I wanted to echo what you're saying here.

Recently I've been reminded that I need to seek Him more. I'm always relying on my own strength... well, mommy wears thin.... and I definitely need the Lord.

The verse I chose for my life (which incidentally is the verse of my late great grandmother, even though I didn't know that until I mentioned it to my mother) is Psalm 19:14... May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.