Tuesday, September 15, 2009

DadE's home...the waiting is over!!!

We used our sticker chart and waited...waited...waited...

AND our DadE is home! Yeah *insert loud cheering*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lubby played with his new monkey while modeling one of MomE's new silk scarves. MomE was thrilled to see yet another airport toy that makes unending screaming loud noises. He was very excited...and was running in circles he was soooo happy!
I'm sure you can't tell how DadE's little Chinese princess felt about his return. No jumping for joy in this house! Whooopie!!!
Everyone snuggled together until 7:30 this morning.....And MomE went grocery shopping all alone this morning...and it was pure heaven!

1 comment:

Carmel said...

Sad isn't it? When grocery shopping alone is "pure heaven"? : ) I completely understand though!