Friday, September 18, 2009

My Max and Ruby!

My children love Max & Ruby a show based on the books by Rosemary Wells. They are wonderful stories...and the show is adorable. Lately, they have taken to acting out the shows they remember or love best. There was a "story time" special on the other day...with Little Red Ruby Hood and Max and the Beanstalk. So, we've been acting out Max and the Beanstalk with Ruby Hood.
Here is Max with a magic bean...and his big sister Ruby carrying the basket of beans. Okay, so maybe the stories got a little's Red Riding Hood's basket.
Any guesses as to what they chose out of the yard to make into "magic beans?" Give up...
...they're ripped up pieces of the green mini grape hyacinth leaves. They actually look a lot like the "green bean/magic beans" on the show! Amazing!!
Max got tired and needed a break in the closet with his juice. He's not liking the steroids/meds...or the fact that MomE has cut his rice milk allowance and forced him to juice/water (25/75)...because the Dr. wants to increase his appetite and help his bowels out. Life is hard...what can I say!
Do you like their little house in the woods? She wanted me to be sure to take a picture of it. She's soooo cute! I love hearing them play together. Thankfully, for the most part...they do play well together.


Shonda said...

Reanne loves Max and Ruby too. Reanne always wants to act the show out as well. Her newest thing is getting her sleeping bag out and going camping like Max does. We borrowed several movies from the library of Max and Ruby. They were great for a while. I can only watch them so many times.

Kayren said...

You know, Sparky had to have liquid steroids for a mosquito bite that swelled up her ENTIRE leg (no exaggeration) when she was three, and I can vouch for the steroid nasties. I had to take prednisone for a week when I was in my 20s and they made me nasty.

Does your little guy like prunes at all? I used to give Chatty a little prune juice and she'd even eat the prunes from the bag. My other kids didn't need them, thank goodness, because they wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

Anonymous said...

The play acting reminds me of mine as a boy and your Dad's acting out milking the cow (see picture in Denny Saga video) and yours with your play house we built for you. I think such activity is very good for development and may result in a career as an actor, teaching, or preaching.